Friends of Yellow Creek - Sailing Base Membership 

This special membership in FOYC allows unlimited access to the sailing base in addition to your annual membership in the Friends. You may choose a membership to the sailing base alone or select simply a place on the Friends' kayak rack for storage. For an additional fee, you may join both the Sailing Base and secure a place on the rack. Your additional donation in support of the sailing base is certainly welcome. If you would like to supplement your membership with a donation or simply make a donation to the base, please place the full amount of your payment (membership plus any additional donation) into the box shown as "Donation" and let us know in the Comments box provided at the bottom of the page which, if any, membership you are purchasing. 


If you are interested merely in a membership to the Friends or to make a donation for general purposes, please visit the general support page


Here's to gentle breezes and sunny skies. Thank you for your support!

My Donation:

Contact Information:


My Subscriptions:

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Please provide any special instructions or additional information in the Comments.

If you prefer, you may mail a check to the Friends, payable to PPFF with Friends of Yellow Creek in the memo line, to:

Treasurer, FOYC

PO Box 1401 
Indiana, PA 15701