Happy Little Trees Bob Ross Painting Party - Forbes State Forest
04/27/2024 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM ET
- $65.00
Forbes State Forest
1291 Route 30
Laughlintown, PA 15655
1291 Route 30
Laughlintown, PA 15655
Support the Happy Little Trees 5k with a Bob Ross painting class led by Certified Bob Ross Instructor Heidi Herholz of Evolutions Studio in Claridge.
Everything you need to paint a happy little picture will be available and your participation in the class results in a donation from Heidi toward the tree-planting fund. Please bring a roll of paper towels and a packet of baby wipes.
Enhance the painting experience with a walk through the Bob Ache Memorial Arboretum adjoining the Forbes State Forest office and a visit to the local state parks nearby. Ligonier, PPFF's first official Gateway Community, is "right down the road" and a great place to spend some time!
The painting we'll be doing?