We closed out June with a question on the life cycle of the firefly. They spend about three weeks as an egg, one to two years as a larva, three weeks as a pupa, then three or four weeks as an adult. Mating, lighting up the summer night, laying eggs. Gone.
Our June winner is Charley, a/k/a Mr. Lucky.
July is Park & Recreation Month, when we turn the spotlight especially on our partners in the community recreation field because we know that the special times spent in our state parks and forests are supplemented on a near-daily basis by your visits to the close-to-home local park in your neighborhood. Perhaps you will be as surprised as I to know that there are approximately how many local parks included on DCNR's interactive map?
Send your answer to me and I'll enter you into the month's random drawing for a goodie from the prize closet if you answer correctly. Enter each week for more chances to win. |