By now you will have heard that the state parks and forests closure has been extended through the end of April. The infection rate is rising; more businesses are closed; and more of us, myself and Bill included, are practicing self-quarantine. Having traveled, we want to keep our neighbors safe from anything we might have picked up on the way home. We don't think there is anything, but we do believe better safe than sorry.
As a result, my return to Confluence is not yet a return to morning walks with my friends and their precious pups. I strolled alone to the Ramcat boat launch today on a foggy spring morning.

The masthead is a gift to all you geology fiends (and you know who you are). Copperas Rock in Trough Creek State Park is but one of the lovely formations there you'll be able to visit when the dust and viruses settle. Jarhed says that there were signs of spring to be found.