News of note
Interesting article from the York Daily Record: Pennsylvania hunters encouraged to scrape away spotted lanternfly egg masses. (Note I am sending you to our Facebook page to follow the link as for whatever reason Google has decided that I am in Sweden and it keeps shifting me to the European Union's links for newspapers. Such are the oddities of life.) (But the ensuing discussion about the post added information that you might also find helpful.)
Have you voted yet for River of the Year? Now's your chance.
Did you download your guide to Pennsylvania Happy Places - our thank you in honor of Giving Tuesday? It's available with a click on the homepage of our website. Yes, that little box that says "Giving Tuesday."
The download is by way of saying "thank you" for your support and encouragement throughout the year. Hearing from our readers and friends make sitting in front of the screen all day a little happier (although I am not going to claim that in front of the computer screen is my "happy place," you know).
Thank you also to the folks who participated in our banquet feedback survey. We got a lot of good ideas (and a few planning volunteers - thank you to them). In thanks for the help, we randomly pulled the name of a respondent as the winner of a copy of the Pennsylvania State Parks and State Forests Passport. And that would be neighbor Ann from Camp Hill. Thanks, Ann!