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704 Lisburn Road | Suite 102 | Camp Hill, PA 17011 | 717.236.7644
Dear {{Constituent First Name}}:
“The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good. ” – Ivan Scheier
Thank you for your volunteerism and commitment to your state park or forest. You all do so much for not just the places your represent, but for the people and wildlife that depend on those places. Thank you.
Yours in the Outdoors,
Marci J. Mowery, President
The video tapings of the trainings offered at the National Association of State Park Foundations annual conference will soon be posted to NASPF.org. Those who attended found the workshops to be impactful.
We are working on planning trainings for 2023. If there is something that you feel would be important, please let us know.
PPFF will be hosting Secretary Dunn during the ExtraGive on November 18th to talk about the three new state parks and what they mean for Pennsylvania. Feel free to join us on our social media (Facebook, YouTube, or Linked In) at 10:00 AM!
We have mentioned several times that the hayride law changed in Pennsylvania. Please keep this in mind as you plan your 2023 events. Hayrides will need to be certified and inspected, and (as always) operators of commercial hayrides will need to provide a certificate of insurance. We are working with DCNR to see how DCNR-operated hayrides will meet the state's requirements.
We also field tested a new food vendor contract that will be in place for 2023. We are awaiting a bit more feedback on the form. This new contract is in alignment with DCNR's guidelines for food vendors.
As you begin to plan for 2023, we wanted to make sure you remember that the second annual Love My State Parks Week will be May 14 through 21. Last year's link on the NASPF website gives a quick reminder as to the intent of the week - social media promotion, in person volunteering or other events, anything that promotes the sentiment we all share. #ILOVEMYSTATEPARKS
Voting on the annual photo contest is now live on our Facebook page. Feel free to weigh in with a like in each category - and share the contest far and wide.
The PPFF website is a great source of information and guidance with forms you can use and information you should know.
You receive this monthly email as a result of your position with a Chapter of the Pennsylvania Parks & Forests Foundation, our board, or interested DCNR staff. PLEASE do not unsubscribe from this email or you will miss important Chapter information. If you are no longer a member of the Chapter's board, please contact Marci or Pam to let us know.